# GNU Makefile for tr2latex on *NIX machines

# CC chooses your C compiler
CC = gcc

# PREFIX sets your base directory
PREFIX = /usr/local
#PREFIX = /opt/tr2latex

# TEXDIR gives the path where the tex library resides (fonts, macros ...)
TEXDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/texmf-local
#TEXDIR = $(PREFIX)/texlive/texmf-local

# flags for compiling C sources
CFLAGS += -Wall -O2

# nothing to configure beyond this point

all:	tr2latex

tr2latex: tr2latex.o tr.o subs.o
	$(CC) -o $@ $^

tr2latex.o:	tr2latex.c setups.h protos.h
tr.o:	tr.c setups.h protos.h
subs.o:	subs.c protos.h setups.h simil.h greek.h macros.h maths.h flip.h forbid.h special.h

install: tr2latex
	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/bin
	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
	install -m 755 -d $(TEXDIR)/macros
	install -m 0755 tr2latex $(PREFIX)/bin/tr2latex
	install -m 0444 tr2latex.man $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/tr2latex.1
	install -m 0444 troffman.sty troffms.sty $(TEXDIR)/macros

	rm -f $(PREFIX)/bin/tr2latex $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/tr2latex.1 $(TEXDIR)/macros/troffman.sty $(TEXDIR)/macros/troffms.sty

	-rm -f *.o core tr2latex *~ TAGS tags testfile.tex *.pdf *.aux *.log *.toc *.zip

test:	testfile.tex testfile.pdf diffs.pdf

testfile.tex:	testfile tr2latex
	./tr2latex $< > $@

%.pdf:	%.tex
	pdflatex $<

tr2latex.zip:	clean
	$(RM) ../$@
	cd .. ; zip -9 -x 'tr2latex/.svn/*' -r $@ tr2latex/
	mv -f ../$@ .