--% Kale Ewasiuk (kalekje@gmail.com) --% 2025-02-14 --% Copyright (C) 2025 Kale Ewasiuk --% --% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: --% --% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in --% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --% --% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF --% ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED --% TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A --% PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT --% SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR --% ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN --% ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE --% OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. local luatbls = {} luatbls._luakeys = require'luakeys'() luatbls._rec_tbl = '' luatbls._rec_tbl_opts = {} luatbls._xysep = '%s+' -- spaces separate x-y coordinates luatbls._tblv = '<v>' luatbls._tblk = '<k>' luatbls._cstemp = 'ltbl<t><k>' luatbls._debug = false function luatbls._dprint(s1, s2) if luatbls._debug then penlight.wrth(s1, s1) end end setmetatable(luatbls, {__call=function(t,s)return t._get_tbl_item(s) end}) function luatbls._get_tbl_name(s) s = s:strip() if s == '' then return luatbls._rec_tbl end for _, delim in ipairs{'.', '/', '|'} do s = s:split(delim)[1] -- if tbl reference had a . | or /, an indexer was used end if luatbls[s] == nil then local validtbls = penlight.List(penlight.tablex.kkeys(luatbls)):filter(function(s) return not s:startswith('_') end):join(', ') penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', 'Tried to access undefined tbl: "'..s..'". Valid tbls are: '..validtbls) return luatbls._rec_tbl end return s end function luatbls._get_tbl(s) s = luatbls._get_tbl_name(s) return luatbls[s] end function luatbls._get_tbl_index(s, undec) undec = undec or false -- flag for allowing undeclared indexing local tbl = '' local key = '' local s_raw = s if s:find('%.') then local tt = s:split('.') tbl = tt[1] key = tt[2] elseif s:find('/') then local tt = s:split('/') tbl = tt[1] if tbl == '' then tbl = luatbls._rec_tbl end key = tonumber(tonumber(tt[2])) if key < 0 then key = #luatbls[tbl]+1+key end else tbl = luatbls._rec_tbl key = tonumber(s) or s if type(key) == 'number' and key < 0 then key = #luatbls[tbl]+1+key end end if tbl == '' then tbl = luatbls._rec_tbl end if (luatbls[tbl] == nil) or ((not undec) and (luatbls[tbl][key] == nil)) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', 'Invalid tbl index attempt using: "'..s_raw..'". We tried to use tbl="' ..tbl..'" and key="'..key..'"'.. 'Note that "|" is forbidden here. The recent table is: '..luatbls._rec_tbl) end return tbl, key end function luatbls._get_tbl_seq(s) local tblseq = s:split('|') local tbl = nil local seq = nil if #tblseq == 1 then tbl = luatbls._get_tbl_name('') seq = tblseq[1] if seq == '' then seq = ':,*' end elseif #tblseq == 2 then tbl = luatbls._get_tbl_name(tblseq[1]) seq = tblseq[2] if seq == '' then seq = ':,*' end end return tbl, seq end function luatbls._get_tbl_item(s, p) -- get item with string, p means print value p = p or false local tbl, key = luatbls._get_tbl_index(s) local itm = luatbls[tbl][key] if p then tex.sprint(tostring(itm)) end return itm end function luatbls._set_tbl_item(s, v) tbl, key = luatbls._get_tbl_index(s) luatbls[tbl][key] = v end function luatbls._check_recent_tbl_undefault() local undefaults = {} if luatbls._rec_tbl_opts ~= nil then local defaults = penlight.tablex.union( luatbls._rec_tbl_opts.defs or {}, luatbls._rec_tbl_opts.defaults or {} ) for k, v in pairs(luatbls[luatbls._rec_tbl]) do if defaults[k] == nil then undefaults[#undefaults+1] = k end end if penlight.hasval(undefaults) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', 'Invalid keys passed to tbl keyval: ' .. (', '):join(undefaults) .. ' ; choices are: ' .. (', '):join(penlight.tablex.keys(defaults)) ) end end end function luatbls._check_choices(k, csv) local csv = penlight.List(luatbls._luakeys.parse(csv,{naked_as_value=true})) local v = luatbls._get_tbl_item(k) if not csv:contains(v) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', 'Invalid choice "'..v..'" given to tbl.key "'..k..'". Allowed choices are: '.. (', '):join(csv)) end end function luatbls._make_alpha_key(k) if tonumber(k) ~= nil then k = penlight.Char(tonumber(k)) end return k end function luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, temp) if temp == penlight.tex.xNoValue then temp = luatbls._cstemp end k = luatbls._make_alpha_key(k) return temp:gsub('<t>',t):gsub('<k>',k) end function luatbls._def_tbl(ind, def, g) local _tbl, _key = luatbls._get_tbl_index(ind) def = luatbls._make_def_name(_tbl, _key, def) luatbls._def_tbl_one(luatbls[_tbl][_key], def, g) end function luatbls._def_tbl_some(Ind, def, g) for t, k, v in luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(Ind) do local newdef = luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, def) luatbls._def_tbl_one(v, newdef, g) end end function luatbls._def_tbl_one(v, cs, g) if type(v) == 'table' then for kk, vv in pairs(v) do token.set_macro(cs..luatbls._make_alpha_key(kk), tostring(vv), g) end else token.set_macro(cs, tostring(v), g) end end function luatbls._def_tbl_coords(ind, def) local tbl, key = luatbls._get_tbl_index(ind) local str = luatbls[tbl][key] def = luatbls._make_def_name(tbl, key, def) local x, y = str:strip():splitv(luatbls._xysep) if (not penlight.hasval(x)) or (not penlight.hasval(y)) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', '_def_tbl_coords function could not parse coordiantes given as "'..str..'" ensure two numbers separated by space are given!', '', true) end token.set_macro(def..'x', tostring(x)) token.set_macro(def..'y', tostring(y)) end function luatbls._make_one_toggle(def, v, g) tex.sprint(g..'\\providetoggle{'..def..'}') tex.sprint(g..'\\toggle'..tostring(v)..'{'..def..'}') end function luatbls._make_toggle_tbl(ind, def, g) g = g or '' local t, k = luatbls._get_tbl_index(ind) local v = luatbls[t][k] def = luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, def) luatbls._make_one_toggle(def, penlight.hasval(v), g) end function luatbls._make_toggles_tbl(Ind, def, g) g = g or '' for t, k, v in luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(Ind) do if type(v) == 'boolean' then local newdef = luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, def) luatbls._make_one_toggle(newdef, v, g) end end end function luatbls._make_one_length(def, v, g) tex.sprint(g..'\\providenewlength{\\'..def..'}') tex.sprint(g..'\\deflength{\\'..def..'}{'..v..'}') end function luatbls._make_length_tbl(ind, def, g) g = g or '' local t, k = luatbls._get_tbl_index(ind) local v = luatbls[t][k] if type(v) == 'number' then v = tostring(v)..'sp' end local def = luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, def) luatbls._make_one_length(def, v, g) end function luatbls._make_lengths_tbl(Ind, def, g) g = g or '' for t, k, v in luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(Ind) do if type(v) == 'number' then v = tostring(v)..'sp' end if v:istexdim() then local newdef = luatbls._make_def_name(t, k, def) luatbls._make_one_length(newdef, v, g) end end end function luatbls._for_tbl_prt(k, v,cmd) local cmd_new = cmd:gsub(luatbls._tblv, tostring(v)):gsub(luatbls._tblk, tostring(k)):gsub('(\\%w+) ', '%1') -- for some reason a space gets added to \cs, maybe luatbls._dprint(cmd_new, '_for_tbl replacement') tex.sprint(cmd_new) end function luatbls._for_tbl(Ind, cmd) for t, k, v in luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(Ind) do luatbls._for_tbl_prt(k, v,cmd) end end function luatbls._for_tbl_e(tbl, cmd) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do luatbls._for_tbl_prt(k, v,cmd) end end function luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(s) if s:find('|') or ((s:find('%.') == nil) and (s:find('/') == nil)) then local tbl, seq = luatbls._get_tbl_seq(s) local keyval = {} for key, val in penlight.seq.tbltrain(luatbls._get_tbl(tbl), seq) do -- todo this should check validity of keys for sequences keyval[#keyval+1] = {key, val} end luatbls._dprint(keyval, 'luatbls._iter_tbls_vals is iterating through tbl: '..tbl..' with sequence: '..seq) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if i <= #keyval then return tbl, keyval[i][1], keyval[i][2] end end else local tbl, key = luatbls._get_tbl_index(s) local val = luatbls[tbl][key] luatbls._dprint(keyval, 'luatbls._iter_tbls_vals is using tbl: '..tbl..' with key: '..key) local i = 1 return function() if i == 1 then i = i + 1 -- only return the single value return tbl, key, val end end end end function luatbls._make_args(s, key, val) local args = {val} if s == nil then return args end s = s:split(')')[1] args = luatbls._luakeys.parse(s, {naked_as_value=true}) for i, v in ipairs(args) do if v == luatbls._tblv then args[i] = val elseif v == luatbls._tblk then args[i] = key end end return args end function luatbls._make_func(f, key, val) f = f:strip() fargs = f:split('(') f = fargs[1] args = luatbls._make_args(fargs[2], key, val) if f:startswith(':') then f = f:sub(2,-1) if type(val) == 'string' then f = string[f] elseif type(val) == 'table' then f = penlight.tablex[f] end else f = penlight._Gdot(f) end --luatbls._dprint() -- todo more debug printing return f, args end function luatbls._make_newtbl(tblind, newtbl) if tblind == '' then tblind = luatbls._rec_tbl..'|' end if newtbl ~= '' then -- determine if new tbl is needed local ogtbl = luatbls._get_tbl_name(tblind) luatbls[newtbl] = penlight.tablex.deepcopy(luatbls[ogtbl]) luatbls._rec_tbl = newtbl tblind, _ = string.gsub(tblind, ogtbl, newtbl, 1) end return tblind end function luatbls._apply_tbl(tblind, func, newtbl) tblind = luatbls._make_newtbl(tblind, newtbl) for _, f in pairs(func:split('|')) do for tbl, key, val in luatbls._iter_tbls_vals(tblind) do local thefunc, args = luatbls._make_func(f, key, val) if thefunc == nil then penlight.tex.pkgerror('luatbls', 'Tried to apply function: "'..f..'" to tbl value. It yielded no function. Ensure : is used for self-methods') end luatbls[tbl][key] = thefunc(penlight.utils.unpack(args)) end end end return luatbls