  Symbols for music writing with pdflatex]

% Copyright 2023 Andrew A. Cashner, andrewacashner@gmail.com

% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the 
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any 
% later version.
% The latest version of this license is in 
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions
% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Andrew A. Cashner.
% This work consists of the package file musicography.sty
% and the documentation file musicography.tex.

% 2023-09-08 - Improved time signatures, figured bass, documentation
%               + Documentation reorganized, clarified, corrected
%               + Customizable font commands used throughout:
%                 \musAccidentalFont, \musNumFont, \musFigSize, and
%                 \musFigFont 
%               + \musStack now takes an optional last argument to specify
%                 alignment
%               + \musMeter now takes an optional font argument, and has a
%                 smaller vertical gap between numerals. It is now scaled
%                 to fit within the line.
%               + Spacing commands in \musSymbolMeter are simplified
%               + \meterThreeTwo now uses \musMeter for the numbers, shifted
%                 slightly to align with the meter symbol
%               + \meterCZ now pulls in a cursive Z symbol from the EB
%                 Garamond font (installed by default in TeXLive)
%               + \musFig now includes configurable \musFigSize and
%                 \musFigFont switches, and a first optional argument with
%                 alignment specifier
%               + New commands for scale degress (\musDegree) and pitches with
%                 Helmholtz octave (\musPitch)
%               + For testing or extension, add command to display a list of
%                 symbols by number in a given font
% 2020-01-29 - Reduced stack gap for \musFig
% 2019-11-24 - Fix problem with \MeterCThreeTwo where numerals were being
%               printed next to each other instead of stacked.
% 2019-05-28 - Fix issue #1:
%               + Correct notehead symbol for values < quarter note
%                 (was hollow, should be filled)
%               + Add 32nd and 64th notes regular and dotted
%               + \musSymbol now inside an \mbox to fix alignment problems
%            - New features (some requested in issue #1)
%               + Add medieval perfect meter
%               + Add aliases for fusa (= corchea = eighth note)
%               + Replace musStack implementation with stackengine:
%                 Now takes any number of space-separated arguments to stack
%                 numerals, allowing for full figured-bass notation
% 2018-05-21 Override semantic-markup's \fl, \sh, \na commands if it is loaded
% 2017-10-31 Corrected glyph for \musHalf and documented
%              \musMeter and \musFigures
% 2017-08-29 First version on CTAN
% 2017-04-12 Created


% Package option 'bigger'
% The package uses three sizes of music fonts;  the 'bigger' option increases
%  all three.



% Print a music symbol from the \musFont, specifying space before, after, and
% baseline adjustment
%  #1 optional font command (default: \musFont)
%  #2 kern before    
%  #3 raisebox value 
%  #4 kern after     
%  #5 symbol code (e.g., \symbol{4}) 
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSymbol}{ O{\musFont} m m m m }{%


% Larger relative font for accidentals (can be modified)

% Any accidental
%  #1 symbol command for accidental
\NewDocumentCommand{\musAccidental}{ m }{%

% Specific accidentals
\NewDocumentCommand{\musFlat}       {}{\musAccidental{\symbol{90}}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musDoubleFlat} {}{\musAccidental{\symbol{91}}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSharp}      {}{\musAccidental{\symbol{92}}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musNatural}    {}{\musAccidental{\symbol{94}}}

% Shorthand accidental commands
% These commands are defined differently in the semantic-markup package,
% so LaTeX will use musicography commands instead


% Just the stem

% Just the (augmentation) dot 

% Notehead plus stem (composite music symbol)
%  #1 Symbol musSymbol command for notehead
\NewDocumentCommand{\musStemmedNote}{ m }{%

% Stemmed note plus flag
%  #1 symbol command for base note
%  #2 symbol command for flag
\NewDocumentCommand{\musFlaggedNote}{ m m }{%

% Dotted note
%  #1 \musSymbol command for note to be dotted
\NewDocumentCommand{\musDottedNote}{ m }{#1\musDot}

% Notes of different rhythmic values

% Dotted rhythmic values

% Aliases for older note names
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSemibreve}         {}{\musWhole}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musMinim}             {}{\musHalf}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSemiminim}         {}{\musQuarter}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musCorchea}           {}{\musEighth}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musFusa}              {}{\musEighth}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSemibreveDotted}   {}{\musWholeDotted}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musMinimDotted}       {}{\musHalfDotted}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSeminiminimDotted} {}{\musQuarterDotted}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musCorcheaDotted}     {}{\musEighthDotted}
\NewDocumentCommand{\musFusaDotted}        {}{\musEighthDotted}

% STACKED NUMERALS (for figured bass, time signatures)


% Only a minimal vertical gap between stacked elements

% Specify the font for numbers in \musStack. For time signatures I think bold
% numbers look better in most fonts, but you could redefine it, for example,
% to use lining figures, math mode, sans-serif, etc.
% Example: To get lining figures when using the ebgaramond package:
% \renewcommand{\musNumFont}{\liningnums}
% The command is employed in a way that both font switches and commands with
% arguments will work (e.g., {\bfseries\liningnums}), but take care when
% combining multiple elements.

% Command to stack numerals for metrical symbols or figured bass
% Takes any number of space-separated arguments and stacks them vertically
% #1 (optional) Font command (\musNumFont by default)
% #2 Series of space-separated arguments to be stacked, e.g., {\fl6 5}
% #3 (optional) Alignment specifier for \Shortstack (l, c, or r); default is c
%    for centering
\NewDocumentCommand{\musStack}{ O{\musNumFont} m O{c} }{%


\RequirePackage{graphicx} % for resizebox

% Numeric meter signatures (e.g., 3/4)
%  #1 (optional) font command (\musNumFont by default)
%  #1 number on top
%  #2 number on bottom
% In a pinch you can issue a font command directly in the optional first
% argument, but it would be better to redefine \musNumFont.
% These are now scaled to the current line height and centered.
\NewDocumentCommand{\musMeter}{ O{\musNumFont} m m }{%
        \musStack[#1]{#2 #3}%

% Meter symbols
%  #1 symbol code for meter sign
\NewDocumentCommand{\musSymbolMeter}{ m }{%

% Meter symbol plus numerals
\NewDocumentCommand{\meterPlus}{ m m }{#1\kern-0.7pt#2}

% Meter signatures with a C or cut C symbol
% Just the symbols

% Ternary meters used in 16th--18th c. music
% Just the numbers: 3

% 3/2

% Combining symbols and numbers
% Meter that combines \meterC with numerals (e.g., C3 C3/2)
\NewDocumentCommand{\meterCplus}{ m }{\meterPlus{\meterC}{#1}}

% Meter that combines \meterCutC with numerals (e.g., C3 C3/2)
\NewDocumentCommand{\meterCutCplus}{ m }{\meterPlus{\meterCutC}{#1}}

% Proportions of cut C

% Proportions of C

% CZ meter: Ternary meter used in 17th-century Spanish music
% A cursive Z to match the C meter symbol, as notated in Spanish manuscripts
% Pull in symbol from EB Garamond font; could be redefined

% The symbol
    {\meterZfont\Large\itshape z}%

% CZ meter

% Perfect meter in medieval music


% Definable font command to be used with figured bass; consider matching
% \musNumFont (e.g., with lining numerals)

% Size adjustment for figured bass: smaller font for numerals, reduce sizes of
% music symbols (\tiny might make it fit better within the line height)

% Figured bass is typeset a \musStack using \musFigFont, right-aligned to
% allow for accidentals preceding numerals
%  #1 (optional) Alignment specifier: l, c, r (default: r)
%  #2 space-delimited list of arguments to stack, in top-down order
% Example: \musFig{\fl6 4} or \musFig{\sh5 4 2}
% Note that the command applies first \musFigSize, then \musFigFont inside the
% stack.
\NewDocumentCommand{\musFig}{ O{r} m }{%

% Placeholder for no figure, to maintain alignment
%  #1 (optional) width of blank space (Default: numeral 5)
% Example: \musFig{6 4}--\musFig{5 \noFig}
\NewDocumentCommand{\noFig}{ O{5} }{%


% Segno (repeat marker)

% Scale degrees
% #1 Numeral (offset from tonic)
\NewDocumentCommand{\musDegree}{ m }{$\hat{#1}$}

% Pitch with Helmholtz octave number (e.g., A4 = A440Hz)
% #1 Pitch-class name (A-G)
% #2 Octave number
\NewDocumentCommand{\musPitch}{ m m }{#1\textsubscript{#2}}

% Recommended: Use my 'octave' package for more options, including
% traditional, non-Helmholtz notation


% Print a list of symbols for documentation, debugging, or extension
% E.g., \symbolList{\musFont}{256} to see all useable symbols in MusiXTeX font

\RequirePackage{setspace} % for symbol list spacing

% Single entry in the symbol list: Number + corresponding symbol
%  #1 font command
%  #2 symbol number
\cs_new:Nn \aac_symbolEntry:nn
    \makebox[4em]{#2\quad{#1\symbol{#2}}}\ %

% Loop through all the symbols in given font up to given max
%  #1 font command
%  #2 max symbol number
\cs_new:Nn \aac_symbolLoop:nn
    \int_step_inline:nnn {0} {#2 - 1}
        \aac_symbolEntry:nn {#1} {##1}

% The whole symbol list up to a given max, typeset in a big double-spaced
% block
%  #1 font command
%  #2 max symbol number
\NewDocumentCommand{\symbolList}{ m m }{\par
        \noindent\aac_symbolLoop:nn {#1} {#2}

% Print a list of symbols in the MusiXTeX font
