## Frankenfile  -- common part of a Makefile for LaTeX and BibTeX bundles
# Author: Matt Swift <swift@alum.mit.edu>
# This file is given into the public domain.
# Please acknowledge my work when appropriate.
# Such reflected glory is all I get from releasing this work to you.
# Version: $Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2001/08/31 01:27:17 $
# See the file ChangeLog-Frankenbundle for revision history.
# This file is distributed in two ways:
# 1) With LaTeX filesets.  In normal circumstances, you do not need 
#    to read this file or alter it   See the README or INSTALL file that
#    came with this file instead.
# 2) As part of the Frankenbundle suite, which helps developers make and
#    distribute LaTeX and BibTeX filesets.  In normal circumstances, you
#    should not need to alter this file.  Please see the README file
#    in the suite for further documentation.

## Basic variable definitions

# NOTE: to override these definitions, use environment variables or the Make
# command line.  The values here should be the most common ones in general, so
# that the least number of users have to override them.  If you think I could
# choose better values, please write me.

# NOTE: I use the $(...) construct for command substitution, supported by
# POSIX, ksh, bash.  I can rewrite with nested backquotes if someone insists.

# NOTE: ?= is broken in Make 3.77, so we use the more verbose ifndef
# construction.

# NOTE: We don't bother to abstract the 'kpsewhich', 'echo', 'cd', 'pwd',
# 'test', or '[' commands.  Any reason to?

# Eliminating built-in implicit rules speeds up Make and makes debugging output
# much briefer.  Recusive Making turns on -w which traces what directory we're
# in, but we're always in this directory, so we turn off those messages.
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules --no-print-directory

# We don't need all the old-fashioned suffix rules -- removing them makes
# things more efficient.

# Make debugging option.  Uncomment to use.
# MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables

# Hmm, this doesn't seem to work when defined in this way.  Seems to work only
# on the command line.
# MAKEFLAGS += --print-database

# ifeq ($(OS),WIN32)
# variant defs
# endif

# RM is defined by Make as 'rm -f'.  You could redefine it.
# ls is often aliased, so use /bin/ls
ifndef LS
LS          = /bin/ls
ifndef TAR
TAR         = tar
ifndef LN
LN          = ln
ifndef M4
M4          = m4
ifndef SYMLINK
SYMLINK     = $(LN) -f -s
ifndef SED
SED         = sed
ifndef AWK
AWK         = awk
ifndef FGREP
FGREP       = fgrep
ifndef TEE
TEE         = tee
ifndef XARGS
XARGS       = xargs
ifndef EXPR
EXPR        = expr
ifndef HEAD
HEAD       = head
ifndef TR
TR         = tr
ifndef GREP
GREP       = grep
ifndef CAT
CAT         = cat
ifndef TOUCH
TOUCH       = touch
ifndef REHASH
REHASH      = texconfig rehash
ifndef DIRNAME
DIRNAME     = dirname
BASENAME    = basename
ifndef INSTALL
INSTALL     = install
# -p = preserve timestamps
ifndef CHMOD
CHMOD       = chmod
# mode rw-rw-r--, i.e. 664
ifndef MKDIRP
ifndef LATEX
LATEX       = latex
ifndef TEX
TEX         = tex
ifndef BIBTEX
BIBTEX      = bibtex
ifndef BIBTOOL
BIBTOOL     = bibtool
MAKEINDEXOPTS = -s gind.ist
# Subdirectory of the main directory in which to build the distribution:
# don't call it "distrib" or the name of any other target!
ifndef distribution-dir
distribution-dir = distribution

## internal variables naming files

# FIX: I suppose we could make this faster for the end user by figuring out
# which of these many definitions are only used by the developer.

dist-extra-files    = $(stable-extra-files)
ifeq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))
dist-extra-files   += $(beta-extra-files)
dist-extra-files   += $(beta-extra-files)

# may not exist
bundle-bib.bib = $(bundle-bib).bib

packages.sty = $(addsuffix .sty, $(packages))
packages.stq = $(addsuffix .stq, $(packages))
packages.ins = $(addsuffix .ins, $(packages))
packages.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(packages))
packages.tex = $(addsuffix .tex, $(packages))
stos.sto     = $(addsuffix .sto, $(stos))
stos.sqo     = $(addsuffix .sqo, $(stos))

classes.cls  = $(addsuffix .cls, $(classes))
classes.clq  = $(addsuffix .clq, $(classes))
classes.ins  = $(addsuffix .ins, $(classes))
classes.dvi  = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(classes))
classes.tex  = $(addsuffix .tex, $(classes))
clos.clo     = $(addsuffix .clo, $(clos))
clos.cqo     = $(addsuffix .cqo, $(clos))

bibstyles-bst = $(addsuffix -bst, $(bibstyles))
bibstyles.bst = $(addsuffix .bst, $(bibstyles))
bibstyles.bsq = $(addsuffix .bsq, $(bibstyles))
bibstyles.ins = $(addsuffix .ins, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.tex = $(addsuffix .tex, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.ver = $(addsuffix .ver, $(bibstyles-bst))

# everything depends on the makefiles
# the "Frankenfile" in the next line is intended to refer to this file
makefiles     = Frankenfile $(calling-makefile)
stable-extra-files += $(makefiles) $(bundle-bib.bib)

stable-packages.sty = $(addsuffix .sty, $(stable-packages))
stable-packages.ins = $(addsuffix .ins, $(stable-packages))
stable-packages.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(stable-packages))
stable-packages.tex = $(addsuffix .tex, $(stable-packages))

stable-classes.cls = $(addsuffix .cls, $(stable-classes))
stable-classes.ins = $(addsuffix .ins, $(stable-classes))
stable-classes.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(stable-classes))
stable-classes.tex = $(addsuffix .tex, $(stable-classes))

stable-bibstyles-bst = $(addsuffix -bst, $(stable-bibstyles))
stable-bibstyles.bst = $(addsuffix .bst, $(stable-bibstyles))
stable-bibstyles.ins = $(addsuffix .ins, $(stable-bibstyles-bst))
stable-bibstyles.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(stable-bibstyles-bst))
stable-bibstyles.tex = $(addsuffix .tex, $(dist-bibstyles-bst))
stable-bibstyles.ver = $(addsuffix .ver, $(dist-bibstyles-bst))

stable-configs.cfg = $(addsuffix .cfg, $(stable-configs))

stable-filesets.ins  = $(addsuffix .ins, $(stable-filesets))
stable-filesets.tex  = $(addsuffix .tex, $(stable-filesets))
stable-filesets.dvi  = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(stable-filesets))

beta-packages.sty = $(addsuffix .sty, $(beta-packages))
beta-packages.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(beta-packages))

beta-classes.cls = $(addsuffix .cls, $(beta-classes))
beta-classes.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(beta-classes))

beta-bibstyles-bst = $(addsuffix -bst, $(beta-bibstyles))
beta-bibstyles.bst = $(addsuffix .bst, $(beta-bibstyles))
beta-bibstyles.dvi = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(beta-bibstyles-bst))
beta-bibstyles.ver = $(addsuffix .ver, $(beta-bibstyles-bst))

beta-configs.cfg = $(addsuffix .cfg, $(beta-configs))

beta-filesets.ins  = $(addsuffix .ins, $(beta-filesets))
beta-filesets.tex  = $(addsuffix .tex, $(beta-filesets))
beta-filesets.dvi  = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(beta-filesets))

filesets.tex       = $(addsuffix .tex, $(filesets))
filesets.dvi       = $(addsuffix .dvi, $(filesets))
filesets.ins       = $(addsuffix .ins, $(filesets))
filesets.aux       = $(addsuffix .aux, $(filesets))
filesets.t1        = $(addsuffix .t1, $(filesets))
filesets.t2        = $(addsuffix .t2, $(filesets))
filesets.t3        = $(addsuffix .t3, $(filesets))

dist-filesets.aux      = $(addsuffix .aux, $(dist-filesets))
# cits for "have citations"
dist-filesets-cits.aux = $(addsuffix .aux, $(dist-filesets-cits))

stable-stos.sto    = $(addsuffix .sto, $(stable-stos))
beta-stos.sto	   = $(addsuffix .sto, $(beta-stos))           

# We treat "X.cfg" as if it was a root name.
configs.cfg           = $(addsuffix .cfg, $(configs))
configs.cfg.install   = $(addsuffix .cfg.install, $(configs))
configs.cfq           = $(addsuffix .cfq, $(configs))
configs.cfq.install   = $(addsuffix .cfq.install, $(configs))

# These files are part of the building process.
part-1     = $(make-dir)/part-1.dtx
part-2     = $(make-dir)/part-2.dtx 
part-3     = $(make-dir)/part-3.dtx 
parts      = $(part-1) $(part-2) $(part-3)
extractor  = $(make-dir)/extractor.ins
driver     = $(make-dir)/driver.tex
## internal variables for phony targets

dist-bibstyles-bst  = $(addsuffix -bst, $(stable-bibstyles))
dist-packages       = $(stable-packages)
dist-classes        = $(stable-classes)
dist-bibstyles      = $(stable-bibstyles)
dist-filesets       = $(dist-packages) $(dist-classes) $(dist-bibstyles-bst)
filesets            = $(packages) $(classes) $(bibstyles-bst)
ifeq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))
dist-bibstyles-bst += $(addsuffix -bst, $(beta-bibstyles))
dist-packages      += $(beta-packages)
dist-classes       += $(beta-classes)
dist-bibstyles     += $(beta-bibstyles)
# cits for "have citations"
dist-filesets-cits  = $(basename $(shell $(GREP) -l '\initelyHavECitationS' \
			$(addsuffix .dtx, $(dist-filesets))))
dist-bibstyles-bst += $(addsuffix -bst, $(beta-bibstyles))
dist-packages      += $(beta-packages)
dist-classes       += $(beta-classes)
dist-bibstyles     += $(beta-bibstyles)

# nondc = "non-dist-cits"
nondc-filesets      = $(filter-out $(dist-filesets-cits), $(filesets))

packages            = $(dist-packages) $(alpha-packages)
packages.clean      = $(addsuffix .clean, $(packages))
packages.dev.clean  = $(addsuffix .dev.clean, $(packages))
packages.macros     = $(addsuffix .macros, $(packages))
packages.macros.q   = $(addsuffix .macros.q, $(packages))
packages.install    = $(addsuffix .install, $(packages))
packages.install.q  = $(addsuffix .install.q, $(packages))
packages.doc.install= $(addsuffix .doc.install, $(packages))
packages.sty.install= $(addsuffix .sty.install, $(packages))
packages.stq.install= $(addsuffix .stq.install, $(packages))
packages.sto.install= $(addsuffix .sto.install, $(packages))
packages.sqo.install= $(addsuffix .sqo.install, $(packages))
packages.src.install= $(addsuffix .src.install, $(packages))
stable-stos         = $(foreach f, $(stable-filesets), $($(f)-stos))
beta-stos           = $(foreach f, $(beta-filesets), $($(f)-stos))
alpha-stos          = $(foreach f, $(alpha-filesets), $($(f)-stos))
stos                = $(stable-stos) $(beta-stos) $(alpha-stos)
classes             = $(dist-classes) $(alpha-classes)
classes.clean      = $(addsuffix .clean, $(classes))
classes.dev.clean  = $(addsuffix .dev.clean, $(classes))
classes.macros      = $(addsuffix .macros, $(classes))
classes.macros.q    = $(addsuffix .macros.q, $(classes))
classes.install     = $(addsuffix .install, $(classes))
classes.install.q   = $(addsuffix .install.q, $(classes))
classes.doc.install = $(addsuffix .doc.install, $(classes))
classes.cls.install = $(addsuffix .cls.install, $(classes))
classes.clq.install = $(addsuffix .clq.install, $(classes))
classes.clo.install = $(addsuffix .clo.install, $(classes))
classes.cqo.install = $(addsuffix .cqo.install, $(classes))
classes.src.install = $(addsuffix .src.install, $(classes))
stable-clos         = $(foreach f, $(stable-filesets), $($(f)-clos))
beta-clos           = $(foreach f, $(beta-filesets), $($(f)-clos))
alpha-clos          = $(foreach f, $(alpha-filesets), $($(f)-clos))
clos                = $(stable-clos) $(beta-clos) $(alpha-clos)
bibstyles           = $(dist-bibstyles) $(alpha-bibstyles)
bibstyles.clean     = $(addsuffix .clean, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.dev.clean = $(addsuffix .dev.clean, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.macros    = $(addsuffix .macros, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.macros.q  = $(addsuffix .macros.q, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.install   = $(addsuffix .install, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.bst.install= $(addsuffix .bst.install, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.bsq.install= $(addsuffix .bsq.install, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.install.q = $(addsuffix .install.q, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.doc.install = $(addsuffix .doc.install, $(bibstyles-bst))
bibstyles.src.install = $(addsuffix .src.install, $(bibstyles-bst))
configs             = $(stable-configs) $(beta-configs) $(alpha-configs)

# $(filesets-*) are NOT going to include $(bibstyles), but rather
# $(bibstyles-bst).  This is what we want.
filesets.macros      = $(addsuffix .macros, $(filesets))
filesets.macros.q    = $(addsuffix .macros.q, $(filesets))
filesets.q           = $(addsuffix .q, $(filesets))
filesets.dep         = $(addsuffix .dep, $(filesets))
filesets.dep.q       = $(addsuffix .dep.q, $(filesets))
filesets.dep.macros  = $(addsuffix .dep.macros, $(filesets))
filesets.dep.macros.q= $(addsuffix .dep.macros.q, $(filesets))
filesets.dep.install = $(addsuffix .dep.install, $(filesets))
filesets.dep.install.q= $(addsuffix .dep.install.q, $(filesets))
filesets.cfg         = $(addsuffix .cfg, $(filesets))
filesets.cfg.install = $(addsuffix .cfg.install, $(filesets))
filesets.cfq         = $(addsuffix .cfq, $(filesets))
filesets.cfq.install = $(addsuffix .cfq.install, $(filesets))
filesets.install     = $(addsuffix .install, $(filesets))
filesets.install.q   = $(addsuffix .install.q, $(filesets))
filesets.doc         = $(addsuffix .doc, $(filesets))
filesets.doc.install = $(addsuffix .doc.install, $(filesets))
filesets.src.install = $(addsuffix .src.install, $(filesets))
filesets.clean       = $(addsuffix .clean, $(filesets))
filesets.dev.clean   = $(addsuffix .dev.clean, $(filesets))
dist-filesets.clean  = $(addsuffix .clean, $(dist-filesets))
dist-filesets.q      = $(addsuffix .q, $(dist-filesets))
dist-filesets.macros = $(addsuffix .macros, $(dist-filesets))
dist-filesets.macros.q=$(addsuffix .macros.q, $(dist-filesets))
dist-filesets.install= $(addsuffix .install, $(dist-filesets))
dist-filesets.install.q = $(addsuffix .install.q, $(dist-filesets))
stable-filesets      = $(stable-packages) $(stable-classes) \
beta-filesets        = $(beta-packages) $(beta-classes) $(beta-bibstyles-bst)
alpha-filesets       = $(filter-out $(dist-filesets), $(filesets))

## perc variables

# NOTE: This is some pretty backhanded Makefile programming. Doing things this
# way avoids recursive invocations of Make.  We still have to recurse to make
# stos and clos because we cannot expand variable names with % in them in the
# list of dependencies.  This is unlikely to change in GNU Make.

# "Perc" stands for "percent", that is, "%".  The perc variables are used in
# dependencies and expand to what they name with "%" for "perc"; or they expand
# to nothing, a null dependency.  The % if it's there will then get substituted
# in the pattern rule.  We handle NODEP and NODOC differently than the NOSRC
# and NOMAC flags because they need to avoid building files as well as
# installing them and.  We could actually treat NOMAC the same way, because
# right now NOMAC doesn't avoid building the macros, it just avoids installing
# them.  But the only circumstance where this would save time is when you just
# want to install the sources and no macros and no dox. That seems like too
# weird a case to bother to accommodate.

# Notice we still have to use conditionals like "[ $(NODEP) ] ||" in rules
# because NODEP might be set by a target-specific assignment, and therefore
# these conditionals won't work.  In those cases, we can't avoid building
# dependencies, but those cases are exactly the ones where all the dependencies
# are built anyway (e.g., "all:").  For NODOC, NOSRC, and NOMAC, we can use
# ifeq constructions, which are determined when the Makefile is read in.
ifeq ($(NODEP),)
  perc.dep               = %.dep
  perc.dep.q             = %.dep.q
  perc.dep.macros        = %.dep.macros
  perc.dep.macros.q      = %.dep.macros.q
  perc.dep.install       = %.dep.install
  perc.dep.install.q     = %.dep.install.q
  perc.dep               = 
  perc.dep.q             = 
  perc.dep.macros        = 
  perc.dep.macros.q      = 
  perc.dep.install       = 
  perc.dep.install.q     = 
ifeq ($(NODOC),)
  perc.doc               = %.doc
  perc.doc.install       = %.doc.install
  perc.doc               =
  perc.doc.install       =

## definitions

# ROOT-NAME is the stem of the macro package, e.g., "foo" from
# foo.{sty,cls,bst}

ifeq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))
define transform-common
	             -e 's/__ROOT-NAME__/$*/g' \
                     -e 's/__BUNDLE__/$(bundle-title)/g' \
                     -e 's/__BUNDLE-BIB__/$(bundle-bib)/g'
define transform-cls
	$(SED)          $(transform-common) \
		     -e 's/__POSTAMBLE__//g' \
		     -e 's/__NAME__/$*/g' \
	             -e 's/__SUFFIX__/cls/g'  \
	             -e 's/__VERSION-INFO-SUFFIX__/cls/g'  \
		     -e 's/__QSUFFIX__/clq/g' \
		     -e 's/__OSUFFIX__/clo/g' \
		     -e 's/__TYPE__/LaTeX class/g'  \
		     -e 's/__PROG__/LaTeX/g'  \
                     -e 's/__PROVIDES__/Class/g'
define transform-sty
	$(SED)          $(transform-common) \
		     -e 's/__POSTAMBLE__//g' \
		     -e 's/__NAME__/$*/g' \
	             -e 's/__SUFFIX__/sty/g'  \
	             -e 's/__VERSION-INFO-SUFFIX__/sty/g'  \
		     -e 's/__QSUFFIX__/stq/g' \
		     -e 's/__OSUFFIX__/sto/g' \
		     -e 's/__TYPE__/LaTeX package/g'  \
		     -e 's/__PROG__/LaTeX/g'  \
                     -e 's/__PROVIDES__/Package/g'
define transform-bst
	$(SED)          $(transform-common) \
		     -e 's/__POSTAMBLE__/\\nopostamble/g' \
		     -e 's/__NAME__/$*-bst/g' \
	             -e 's/__SUFFIX__/bst/g'  \
	             -e 's/__VERSION-INFO-SUFFIX__/ver/g'  \
		     -e 's/__QSUFFIX__/bsq/g' \
		     -e 's/__TYPE__/BibTeX style/g'  \
		     -e 's/__PROG__/BibTeX/g'  \
                     -e 's/__PROVIDES__/BibTeXstyle/g'
endif # user ?= developer

ifneq ($(HAVE_WEB2C),)

# install-lsr   = ./install-lsr --add
# install-plain = ./install-lsr

install-lsr   = $(install-lsr-internal) --add
install-plain = $(install-lsr-internal)

# Usage: 
# $progname [--add] <file> [<file>...] <dir> | <file> <file-full-pathname>
# This emulates install(1) with two differences.
# If --add is given, also add the files to web2c ls-R database.
# If the source file has execute permission, the destination will be given
# u+x. 

define install-lsr-internal
	function mbuna () { \
	  if [ "$$1" = "--add" ]; then \
	    addlsr=true; \
	    shift; \
	  else \
	    unset addlsr; \
	  fi; \
	  if [ $$addlsr ]; then \
	    : $${MT_TEXMFMAIN=$$(kpsewhich --expand-path='$$TEXMFMAIN')}; \
	    : $${MT_MKTEX_OPT=$$(kpsewhich --format='web2c files' mktex.opt)};\
	    test -n "$$MT_MKTEX_OPT" || \
		MT_MKTEX_OPT="$$MT_TEXMFMAIN/web2c/mktex.opt"; \
	    if [ ! -f "$$MT_MKTEX_OPT" ]; then \
	      echo "Cannot find mktex.opt; check your installation."; \
	      return 1; \
	    fi; \
	    mt_min_args=2; \
	    mt_max_args=1000; \
	    old=`pwd`; \
	    source "$$MT_MKTEX_OPT"; \
	    cd $$old; \
	  fi; \
	  lastarg=$$(eval echo '$$'{$$#}); \
	  echo $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLOPTS) "$$@"; \
	  if ! $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLOPTS) "$$@"; then \
	    echo "Install failed."; \
	    return 2; \
	  fi; \
	  if [ -d "$$lastarg" ]; then \
	    until [ "$$1" = "$$lastarg" ]; do \
	      if [ -x "$$1" ]; then \
		echo -n adding user execute permission to $$lastarg/$$1...; \
		$(CHMOD) u+x $$lastarg/$$1; \
		echo .  Done.; \
	      fi; \
	      if [ $$addlsr ]; then \
		echo -n adding $$lastarg/$$1 to the ls-R database...; \
		if ! "$$MT_MKTEXUPD" "$$lastarg" "$$1"; then \
		  echo "Problem updating the ls-R database."; \
		  return 3; \
		fi; \
		echo .  Done.; \
	      fi; \
	      shift; \
	    done; \
	  else \
	    if [ $$# -ne 2 ]; then \
	      echo "Malformed arguments."; \
	      return 4; \
	    fi; \
	    if [ -x "$$1" ]; then \
	      echo -n adding user execute permission to $$2...; \
	      $(CHMOD) u+x $$2; \
	      echo .  Done.; \
	    fi; \
	    if [ $$addlsr ]; then \
	      dir=`$(DIRNAME) $$lastarg`; \
	      file=`$(BASENAME) $$lastarg`; \
	      echo -n adding $$dir/$$file to the ls-R database...; \
	      if ! "$$MT_MKTEXUPD" $$dir $$file; then \
		echo "Problem updating  the ls-R database."; \
		return 5; \
	      fi; \
	      echo .  Done.; \
	    fi; \
	  fi; \
	}; mbuna

# NOTE: this is going to fail if the dest is a directory that doesn't exist (it
# will consider it a filename).  So, install-plain and install-lsr must never
# be called with a dest directory that doesn't exist.

# We define these as functions and echo a message to the user, because in
# the web2c case we have to use a big function that we definitely want to
# suppress with @.

define install-lsr
	function wicker () { \
	  echo $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL-OPTS) "$$@"; \
	  $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL-OPTS) "$$@"; \
	}; wicker
install-plain = $(install-lsr)

# We check whether the file ACTUALLY has citations, and warn the developer if
# he has failed to include an appropriate \def\initelyHavECitationS in the .dtx
# file.
# There may be other or better ways to do the echoing and checking on the
# bibtex process.  You want bibtex's output to go out with all the usual Make
# output, but you also want to pipe it to fgrep.  Can use gawk and a rule of 
# {print; print > "/dev/stderr"}.   I just don't think you can redirect stderr
# to a pipe with sh like you can with csh.
# BibTeX doesn't put anything on stderr.
# args: <root-name> [<addindex-flag>]
# If <addindex-flag> is nonempty, then force inclusion of an index.
ifeq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))
define checkdtx
	if ! $(FGREP) -q '\def\initelyHavECitationS' $$root.dtx; then \
	  echo $(DEVELOPER), PUT \\def\\initelyHavECitationS \{\} IN $$root.dtx\!;\
	  $(RM) $$root.dvi; \
	  return 1; \
define checkdtx

define latex-libll
	function bozo () { \
	  echo "Processing $$1 with LaTeX, BibTeX, & Makeindex as necessary.";\
	  root=$$($(EXPR) $$1 : '\([^\.]*\)\(\.[A-z]\+\)\?'); \
	  if [ $$2 ]; then \
	    echo "Forcing an index."; \
	    arg='\AtBeginDocument{\CodelineIndex\EnableCrossrefs} \
		 \AtEndDocument{\clearpage\PrintIndex}\input{'$$1'}'; \
	  else \
	    arg="$$1"; \
	  fi; \
	  $(TOUCH) $$root.aux $$root.ind; \
	  $(LATEX) $$arg; \
	  if $(FGREP) -q '\citation{' $$root.aux; then \
	    $(checkdtx); \
	    if $(BIBTEX) $$root | $(TEE) /dev/stderr | $(FGREP) -q \
		'Warning--I didn'\''t find a database entry for'; then \
	      echo BIBTEX FAILED; \
	      $(RM) $$root.dvi; \
	      return 2; \
	    fi; \
	    $(LATEX) $$arg; \
	  fi; \
	  $(MAKEINDEX) $$root.idx; \
	  $(LATEX) $$arg; \
	}; bozo

define make-this-if-nonempty
	function bobo () { \
	  unset turtle; \
	  turtle="$$@"; \
	  if [ "$$turtle" ]; then \
	    echo "Starting recursive make on targets: $$turtle"; \
	    $(MAKE) $$turtle; \
	  else \
	    true; \
	  fi; \
	}; bobo

# args: <localfile> <remote-dir> <remote-file-basename>
# example:
#   X.clq $(MACRODIR) X.cls
# means "if the remote-file $(MACRODIR)/X.cls is NOT a quickmacro, then
#        install X.clq as the remote-file."
# example:
#   X.sty $(MACRODIR) X.sty
# means "if the remote-file IS a quickmacro, then install X.sty as the
# remote-file." 
# If arguments $1 and $3 are different, we are installing a quickmacro,
# otherwise we are installing a regular macro.  To get the name of the
# quickmacro version when we are installing a regular version, we change the
# last letter of the 3-letter extension to q.
# The file is ALWAYS installed if the remote-file is older than the local
# file. 
define maybe-install-macro
	function pliers () { \
	  installp=true; \
	  if [ "$$1" = "$$3" ]; then \
	    quickp=; \
	  else \
	    quickp=true; \
	  fi; \
	  if [ -e $$2/$$3 ]; then \
	    if [ $$1 -nt $$2/$$3 ]; then \
	      echo "File $$1 is newer than $$2/$$3; installing $$1.";\
	    elif [ $$quickp ]; then \
	      if ! $(HEAD) -2 $$2/$$3 \
		  | $(GREP) -q '^%% This is file '\`$$1\'',$$'; then \
		echo "File $$2/$$3 is not a quickmacro; installing $$1."; \
	      else \
		echo "Quickfile $$2/$$3 is up to date; not installing $$1.";\
		installp=; \
	      fi; \
	    else \
	      if $(HEAD) -2 $$2/$$3 | $(GREP) -q \
		  '^%% This is file '\`"$$($(EXPR) $$1 : '\(.\+\.[A-z][A-z]\)[A-z]')q"\'',$$'; then\
	        echo "File $$2/$$3 is a quickmacro; installing $$1."; \
	      else \
		echo "File $$2/$$3 is up to date; not installing $$1.";\
		installp=; \
	      fi; \
	    fi; \
	  else \
	    echo "File $$2/$$3 does not exist; installing $$1."; \
	  fi; \
	  if [ $$installp ]; then \
	    test -d $$2 || $(MKDIRP) $$2; \
	    $(install-lsr) $$1 $$2/$$3; \
	  fi; \
	}; pliers

## help target (the default)

.PHONY: default help
default help:
	@echo ;\
	echo -----------------------;\
	echo The $(bundle-title) bundle;\
	echo -----------------------;\
	echo ;\
	echo A \"fileset\" is a LaTeX package, LaTeX class, or BibTeX;\
	echo bibliography style together with its supporting files.;\
	echo ;\
	echo The $(bundle-title) bundle contains the following stable, supported filesets:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  $(sort $(stable-filesets))";\
ifneq ($(beta-filesets),)
	@echo and the following beta, unsupported filesets:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  $(sort $(beta-filesets))";\
	echo ;\
	echo The unsupported filesets are in the \"unsupported\" subdirectory.;\
	echo You must copy them to the main directory and set a variable in; \
	echo $(calling-makefile) before make can operate properly on them.; \
	@echo Destinations for installed files may be set in the file \"$(calling-makefile)\".;\
	echo They are currently:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  LaTeX macros go into       $(MACRODIR)";\
	echo "  LaTeX config files go into $(CONFIGDIR)";\
	echo "  BibTeX macros go into      $(BIBDIR)";\
	echo "  LaTeX DVI dox go into      $(MDVIDIR)";\
	echo "  BibTeX DVI dox go into     $(BDVIDIR)";\
	echo "  Sources go into            $(SRCDIR)";\
ifdef HAVE_WEB2C
	@echo I think your TeX installation is based on web2c.;\
	echo If this is wrong, change the setting in the file \"$(calling-makefile)\".
	@echo I think your TeX installation is NOT based on web2c.;\
	echo If this is wrong, change the setting in the file \"$(calling-makefile)\".;\
	echo Installation will be easier if you make this change.
	@echo ;\
	echo ------------------------;\
	echo Targets for the end user;\
	echo ------------------------;\
	echo ;\
	echo For each fileset X, there are the following targets:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  X           means make X's documentation and macros";\
	echo "  X.q         means make X's documentation and quick macros";\
	echo "  X.install   means install X's documentation, sources, and macros";\
	echo "  X.install.q means install X's documentation and sources and create";\
	echo "                    and install X's quick macros.";\
	echo "  X.clean     means delete X's non-distributed files";\
	echo ;\
	echo There are also the following general targets:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  all         means do X for all X's.";\
	echo "  all.q       means do X.q for all X's.";\
	echo "  install     means do X.install for all X's.";\
	echo "  install.q   means do X.install.q for all X's.";\
	echo "  clean       means do X.clean for all X's";\
	echo ;\
	echo "  help        means display this help.";\
	echo ;\
	echo All individual files \(e.g., X.dvi, X.ins, X.clq\) are also valid targets.;\
	echo ;\
	echo To avoid installing certain components, set the following variables;\
	echo in the environment or on the Make command line to something nonempty:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  \$$NOMAC nonempty means do not install macro files";\
	echo "  \$$NOSRC nonempty means do not install source files";\
	echo "  \$$NODOC nonempty means do not build or install documentation files";\
	echo "  \$$NODEP nonempty means do not consider fileset-fileset-dependencies";\
	echo ;\
	echo \$$NODEP is automatically set for the general targets.;\
	echo ;\
	echo Quick \(\"q\"\) macros are functionally identical to normal macros;\
	echo but are stripped of comments and are therefore processed faster.;\
	echo ;\
	echo Invoking Make with the \"-s\" option will give you briefer output.;\
	echo ;\
	echo Example:  % make -s NODOC=t install.q;\
ifeq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))
	@echo ------------------------------------------; \
	echo Targets for the you, the developer \($(DEVELOPER)\); \
	echo ------------------------------------------; \
ifneq ($(alpha-filesets),)
	@echo Collective targets build both undistributed and distributed filesets.;\
	echo Undistributed filesets are:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  $(sort $(alpha-filesets))";\
	@echo Developer targets include the end user targets above plus, for each fileset X:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  X.dev.clean      means delete X"\'"s non-regeneratable files";\
	echo ;\
	echo There are also the following general targets:;\
	echo ;\
	echo "  dev.clean        means do X.dev.clean for all X's";\
	echo ;\
	echo "  distrib" ;\
	echo "  ctan             means make an archive of the distribution files";\
	echo "  ctan.clean       means delete the archive and its auxiliary tree";\
	echo "  install.clean    means delete all files that could have been installed.";\
	echo ;\
	echo "  all.clean        means do dev.clean ctan.clean install.clean";\
	echo "  fresh            means do dev.clean all.q ctan";\

## select from multiple bundle licenses

# $(bundle-license) is e.g. GPL or LPPL

# Use the convention that if foo.ext is license-dependent, assemble it by
# inserting file foo-$(bundle-license).txt into foo.txt where the directive
# __INCLUDE_LICENSE__ appears.  Other licenses and files may require a
# different scheme.

license-dependent-files = $(part-1) $(extractor) $(driver)

# NOTE: these files are assumed to be generated and will be deleted by dev.clean
.PHONY: license-dependent-files.clean
	$(RM) $(license-dependent-files)

# The following rule should work, but does not because $(basename ...) is not
# doing anything to its argument.  But in make 3.79 reported to Debian 01-08-30.
# NOTE: this should work with the files having an initial directory part since
#       m4 should work from the pwd but this aspect might need tweaking.
#$(license-dependent-files): %: $(basename %).txt $(basename %)-$(bundle-license).txt
#	$(M4) --define=__INCLUDE_LICENSE__="include($(word 2, $^))m4exit(0)" $< > $@

# Workaround:  be explicit:

$(license-dependent-files):  $(makefiles)

# Things in the source file (especially $(part-1)) are going to look like quotes
# to m4 and confuse it, so we disable the quoting mechanism and rely on the
# uniqueness of our string.
# Make sure you put "-" for stdin as the first input file.
M4-nq = echo 'changequote(,)dnl' | $(M4)
$(make-dir)/part-1.dtx:  $(make-dir)/part-1.txt $(make-dir)/part-1-$(bundle-license).txt
	$(M4-nq) --define=__INCLUDE_LICENSE__="include($(make-dir)/part-1-$(bundle-license).txt)dnl" - $< > $@

$(make-dir)/extractor.ins:  $(make-dir)/extractor.txt $(make-dir)/extractor-$(bundle-license).txt
	$(M4-nq) --define=__INCLUDE_LICENSE__="include($(make-dir)/extractor-$(bundle-license).txt)dnl" - $< > $@

$(make-dir)/driver.tex:  $(make-dir)/driver.txt $(make-dir)/driver-$(bundle-license).txt
	$(M4-nq) --define=__INCLUDE_LICENSE__="include($(make-dir)/driver-$(bundle-license).txt)dnl" - $< > $@

## user/developer file targets

$(packages.stq): %.stq: %.ins %.sty
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TEX) $<

# FIX: sqo not implemented yet; same as sto for now.
$(stos.sqo): %.sqo: %.sto
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TOUCH) $@

$(classes.clq): %.clq: %.ins %.cls
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TEX) $<

# FIX: cqo not implemented yet; same as clo for now.
$(clos.cqo): %.cqo: %.clo
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TOUCH) $@

# FIX: cfq not implemented yet; same as cfg for now.
$(configs.cfq): %.cfq: %.cfg
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TOUCH) $@
# $(configs.cfq): %.cfq: %.ins %.cfg
# 	$(TEX) $<

$(bibstyles.bsq): %.bsq: %-bst.ins %.bst
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(TEX) $<

# dependencies common to all filesets.dvi
$(filesets.dvi): $(dox-requirements) $(bundle-bib.bib)

# NOTE: The targets listed here are X.dvi for each X which has an X.cfg.  The
# DVI dox need to be remade when X.cfg changes, so we add a extra-dependency
# rule here for that.
$(addsuffix .dvi, $(configs)): %.dvi: %.cfg

$(packages.dvi): %.dvi: %.tex %.sty
	@echo "Building $@."
	@$(latex-libll) $*

$(classes.dvi): %.dvi: %.tex %.cls
	@echo "Building $@."
	@$(latex-libll) $*

$(bibstyles.dvi): %-bst.dvi: %-bst.tex %.bst %-bst.ver
	@echo "Building $@."
	@$(latex-libll) $*-bst

## user/developer phony declarations, target-specific vars, etc.

.PHONY: install install.q \
	all all.q \
	clean dev.clean install.clean fresh \
	$(filesets) $(filesets.q) \
	$(filesets.macros) $(filesets.macros.q) \
	$(filesets.dep) $(filesets.dep.q) \
	$(filesets.dep.macros) $(filesets.dep.macros.q) \
	$(filesets.doc) \
	$(filesets.clean) $(filesets.dev.clean)

# We get to exercise a lot of the features of Make in this file!  Below are
# some target-specific variable values.  When we're building these targets,
# there is no need to consider fileset-fileset-dependencies, since all filesets
# are being built.  By not considering them, we make things much more
# efficient.
# NOTE: target-specific variables are locally set for the COMMANDS of the
# target and the COMMANDS of all its dependencies, and NOT in the dependency
# lists of any of those targets.
all all.q install install.q: NODEP = true

# Targets declared intermediate will not be remade simply because they do not
# exist and are an intermediate stage on the way to the requested file.  If
# intermediate targets existed before the make, they will be kept around, and
# will be removed if not.  This way we can have a "clean:" development
# directory without making Make any less efficient.  Secondary files are like
# intermediate files, but are not deleted even when they didn't exist before
# the make.  We want the intermediate files that are going to go into the
# distribution to be declared secondary so they remain around even when they
# aren't needed by the target called at the time.
.INTERMEDIATE:  $(filesets.t1) $(filesets.t2) $(filesets.t3) \
		$(filter-out $(dist-filesets-cits.aux), $(filesets.aux))
.SECONDARY:     $(filesets.tex) $(filesets.ins) \
		$(packages.sty) $(classes.cls) \
		$(bibstyles.bst) $(bibstyles.ver) \

# If Make encounters an error while building a file, the file is probably
# corrupt, but in many cases it is up to date, so we must delete it to ensure
# that Make doesn't think it is OK.

## user/developer phony targets

# don't assume that building dox automatically builds macros

$(filesets): %: %.macros $(perc.doc) $(perc.dep)
$(filesets.q): %.q: %.macros.q $(perc.doc) $(perc.dep.q)

# These are extra dependencies.
$(filesets.macros): %.macros: $(perc.dep.macros)
$(filesets.macros.q): %.macros.q: $(perc.dep.macros.q)

$(packages.macros): %.macros: %.sty $(perc.dep.macros)
$(packages.macros.q): %.macros.q: %.stq $(perc.dep.macros.q)
	@$(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .sqo, $($*-stos))

$(classes.macros): %.macros: %.cls $(perc.dep.macros)
$(classes.macros.q): %.macros.q: %.clq $(perc.dep.macros.q)
	@$(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .cqo, $($*-clos))

$(bibstyles.macros): %-bst.macros: %.bst $(perc.dep.macros)
$(bibstyles.macros.q): %-bst.macros.q: %.bsq $(perc.dep.macros.q)

$(filesets.dep): %.dep:
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
		{ $(make-this-if-nonempty) $($*-deps); }
$(filesets.dep.q): %.dep.q:
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
		{ $(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .q, $($*-deps)); }
$(filesets.dep.macros): %.dep.macros:
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
		{ $(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .macros, $($*-deps)); }
$(filesets.dep.macros.q): %.dep.macros.q:
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
	       { $(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .macros.q, $($*-deps)); }

# This would be changed if there were additional forms of documentation.
# filesets are only called by user with .install or .install.q.
# For developer, only filesets.macros and filesets.macros.q call %.doc.
# So until there are other forms of dox, we just need to build %.dvi.
$(filesets.doc): %.doc: %.dvi

# $(findstring) isn't good enough here, it doesn't look for word boundaries, so
# you have a problem when any fileset name is a subset of another one.

# GNU expr 1.16 seems broken in that it can't deal with [ $] or [ ^] I can't
# figure what's up.  So we insert an extra space at beginning and end in case
# our string is at the beginning or end of nondc-filesets.
$(packages.clean):  %.clean:
	$(RM)  $*.{log,ilg,idx,ind,toc,vrb,stq,cfq,bbl,blg,t1,t2,t3} \
	       $(addsuffix .sqo, $($*-stos))
	@auxp=`$(EXPR) " $(nondc-filesets) " : '.* \($*\) '`; \
	if [ $$auxp ]; then \
		echo rm -f $$auxp.aux; \
		$(RM) $$auxp.aux; \
$(classes.clean): %.clean:
	$(RM)  $*.{log,ilg,idx,ind,toc,vrb,cfq,,clq,bbl,blg,t1,t2,t3} \
	       $(addsuffix .cqo, $($*-clos))
	@auxp=`$(EXPR) " $(nondc-filesets) " : '.* \($*\) '`; \
	if [ $$auxp ]; then \
		echo rm -f $$auxp.aux; \
		$(RM) $$auxp.aux; \
$(bibstyles.clean): %-bst.clean:
	$(RM)  $*-bst.{log,ilg,idx,ind,toc,vrb,bbl,blg,t1,t2,t3} $*.bsq
	@auxp=`$(EXPR) " $(nondc-filesets) " : '.* \($*-bst\) '`; \
	if [ $$auxp ]; then \
		echo rm -f $$auxp.aux; \
		$(RM) $$auxp.aux; \

## user/developer *.install* targets (both phony and file)
###   phony declarations and install targets

.PHONY: $(filesets.install) \
	$(filesets.install.q) \
	$(filesets.dep.install) \
	$(filesets.dep.install.q) \
	$(filesets.cfg.install) \
	$(filesets.cfq.install) \
	$(filesets.doc.install) \
	$(filesets.src.install) \
	$(packages.sty.install) \
	$(packages.stq.install) \
	$(packages.sto.install) \
	$(packages.sqo.install) \
	$(classes.cls.install) \
	$(classes.clq.install) \
	$(classes.clo.install) \
	$(classes.cqo.install) \
	$(bibstyles.bst.install) \

# setting NOMAC will prevent macros from being installed
# setting NOSRC will prevent sources from being installed
# setting NODOC will prevent documentation from being built and installed
# setting NODEP will inhibit consideration of fileset-fileset-dependencies
###   X.install

$(packages.install): %.install: %.sty.install %.sto.install %.cfg.install \
				%.src.install $(perc.doc.install) \

$(classes.install): %.install: %.cls.install %.clo.install %.cfg.install \
			       %.src.install $(perc.doc.install) \
$(bibstyles.install): %.install: %.bst.install %.src.install \
				 $(perc.doc.install) $(perc.dep.install)
###   X.install.q

$(packages.install.q): %.install.q: %.stq.install %.sqo.install \
				    %.cfq.install %.src.install \
				    $(perc.doc.install) $(perc.dep.install.q)

$(classes.install.q): %.install.q: %.clq.install %.cqo.install \
				   %.cfq.install %.src.install \
				   $(perc.doc.install) $(perc.dep.install.q)
$(bibstyles.install.q): %.install.q: %.bsq.install %.src.install \
				     $(perc.doc.install) $(perc.dep.install.q)
###   macros

$(packages.sty.install) \
$(classes.cls.install): %.install: %
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(maybe-install-macro) $< $(MACRODIR) $<
$(bibstyles.bst.install): %-bst.bst.install: %.bst
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(maybe-install-macro) $< $(BIBDIR) $<
###   quickmacros

$(packages.stq.install): %.stq.install: %.stq
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(maybe-install-macro) $< $(MACRODIR) $*.sty
$(classes.clq.install): %.clq.install: %.clq
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(maybe-install-macro) $< $(MACRODIR) $*.cls
$(bibstyles.bsq.install): %-bst.bsq.install: %.bsq
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(maybe-install-macro) $< $(BIBDIR) $*.bst
###   deps

$(filesets.dep.install): %.dep.install:
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
	  { $(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .install, $($*-deps)); }
$(filesets.dep.install.q): %.dep.install.q: 
	@[ $(NODEP) ] || \
	  { $(make-this-if-nonempty) $(addsuffix .install.q, $($*-deps)); }
###   option files

# Should technically depend on $(%-stos) but that is not a legal idea.
$(packages.sto.install): %.sto.install:
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(foreach x, $($*-stos), \
		$(maybe-install-macro) $(x).sto $(MACRODIR) $(x).sto;)

# FIX: sqo not implemented yet, same as sto
$(packages.sqo.install): %.sqo.install: %.sto.install

# Should technically depend on $(%-clos) but that is not a legal idea.
$(classes.clo.install): %.clo.install:
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(foreach x, $($*-clos), \
		$(maybe-install-macro) $(x).clo $(MACRODIR) $(x).clo;)
# FIX: cqo not implemented yet, same as clo
$(classes.cqo.install): %.cqo.install: %.clo.install
###   dox

# NOTE: If there were ever additional (i.e. non-DVI) formats, this would be a
# rule that depended on %.doc.dvi.install $.doc.foo.install, etc.
$(packages.doc.install) \
$(classes.doc.install): %.doc.install: $(MDVIDIR)/%.dvi
$(addprefix $(MDVIDIR)/, $(packages.dvi) $(classes.dvi)): $(MDVIDIR)/%: %
ifeq ($(NODOC),)
	test -d $(MDVIDIR) || $(MKDIRP) $(MDVIDIR)
	@$(install-lsr) $< $(MDVIDIR)

$(bibstyles.doc.install): %.doc.install: $(BDVIDIR)/%.dvi
$(addprefix $(BDVIDIR)/, $(bibstyles.dvi)): $(BDVIDIR)/%: %
ifeq ($(NODOC),)
	test -d $(BDVIDIR) || $(MKDIRP) $(BDVIDIR)
	@$(install-lsr) $< $(BDVIDIR)
###   sources

$(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/, $(filesets.ins) $(filesets.tex) \
		$(bibstyles.ver) $(dist-extra-files)): $(SRCDIR)/%: %
ifeq ($(NOSRC),)
	test -d $(SRCDIR) || $(MKDIRP) $(SRCDIR)
	@$(install-lsr) $< $(SRCDIR)

$(packages.src.install) \
$(classes.src.install): %.src.install: \
	$(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/, %.ins %.tex $(dist-extra-files))

$(bibstyles.src.install): %.src.install: \
	$(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/, %.ins %.tex %.ver $(dist-extra-files))
###   configs

$(configs.cfg.install): %.install: $(CONFIGDIR)/%

$(addprefix $(CONFIGDIR)/, $(configs.cfg)): $(CONFIGDIR)/%: %
ifeq ($(NOMAC),)
	@$(install-lsr) $< $(CONFIGDIR)

# NOTE: X.cfg.install and X.cfq.install when there is no X.cfg is an empty
# rule.  We do this so we can simply list those things as dependencies without
# having to know whether an X.cfg exists for that X.
$(filter-out $(configs.cfg.install), $(filesets.cfg.install)) \
$(filter-out $(configs.cfq.install), $(filesets.cfq.install)):

# FIX: cfq not implemented, is same as cfg
$(configs.cfq.install): %.cfq.install: %.cfg.install

## user phony declarations and targets

ifneq ($(USER),$(DEVELOPER))

# For the end user, 'install' and 'install.q' targets are limited to
# distributed filesets.
all: $(dist-filesets)
all.q: $(dist-filesets.q)
install: $(dist-filesets.install)
install.q: $(dist-filesets.install.q)

# *.clean leaves only what is distributed
clean: $(dist-filesets.clean)

## developer phony declarations and targets

all: $(filesets)
all.q: $(filesets.q)
install: $(filesets.install)
install.q: $(filesets.install.q)

# *.clean leaves only what is distributed
clean: $(filesets.clean)

# *.dev.clean leaves only what cannot be regenerated
dev.clean: $(filesets.dev.clean) license-dependent-files.clean bundle-bib.clean

# Not all .aux files are removed by X.clean.
$(packages.dev.clean) \
$(classes.dev.clean): %.dev.clean: %.clean
	$(RM) $*.{dvi,tex,ins,sty,cls,aux}
$(bibstyles.dev.clean): %-bst.dev.clean: %-bst.clean
	$(RM) $*-bst.{ver,dvi,tex,ins,aux} $*.bst

# NOTE Hmm, doesn't work as intended, because once dev.clean is made, it
# assumes it doesn't have to remake clean (if you put clean before/after
# ctan).... I don't think this should be true for PHONY targets.  Anyway, may
# want to do "make clean" after "make fresh".

# hmm, all.q is not made by all?  ctan is not made by either?

fresh: dev.clean all.q ctan

# FIX: also should remove the directories and their parents too, but only if
# they're empty.
	$(RM) -r $(addprefix $(BIBDIR)/, $(bibstyles.bst)) \
		 $(addprefix $(MACRODIR)/, \
			$(packages.sty) $(classes.cls) \
		        $(configs.cfg) \
			$(stos.sto) $(clos.clo)) \
		 $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/, \
			$(dist-extra-files) \
                        $(filesets.tex) $(filesets.ins) \
			$(bibstyles.ver)) \
		 $(addprefix $(MDVIDIR)/, $(filesets.dvi)) \
		 $(addprefix $(BDVIDIR)/, $(bibstyles.dvi))

## developer file targets

# this handles adding this dependency for all the rules in this section:
$(parts) $(driver) $(extractor) \
$(filesets.t1) $(filesets.t2) $(filesets.t3):  $(makefiles)

$(packages.sty): %.sty: %.t1 %.t2 %.t3 $(parts)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(CAT) $(part-1) $*.t1 $(part-2) $*.t2 $(part-3) $*.t3 \
		| $(transform-sty) > $@

$(classes.cls): %.cls: %.t1 %.t2 %.t3 $(parts)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(CAT) $(part-1) $*.t1 $(part-2) $*.t2 $(part-3) $*.t3 \
		| $(transform-cls) > $@

# We want to get version control information and a command into the -bst.ver
# file.  We read the .ver file specially when we build the -bst.dvi file.
# We quote curly braces in the awk regexps in case we are using gawk and
# $POSIXLY_CORRECT is set in the environment so that we can't really do
# anything about it.  It is this way when running subshells from Emacs
# sometimes, in my experience.
# FIX: not sure we need transform-bst here.
$(bibstyles.ver):  %-bst.ver: %.bst %-bst.t1 %-bst.t2 %-bst.t3 $(parts)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(CAT) $(part-1) $*-bst.t1 $(part-2) $*-bst.t2 $(part-3) $*-bst.t3 \
	  | $(transform-bst) \
	  | $(AWK) '/^ %% \\def\\fileinfo/,/^ %% \\def\\docdate/ \
			{ $$1 = ""; print } \
			{ next }' \
	  > $@
	$(CAT) $(part-3) \
	  | $(AWK) '/^\\makeatletter% A special comment to help create bst files/, \
		    /^\}% A special comment to help create bst files/ \
			{ print } \
			{ next }' \
		>> $@

$(bibstyles.bst):  %.bst: %-bst.t1 %-bst.t2 %-bst.t3 $(parts)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(CAT) $(part-1) $*-bst.t1 $(part-2) $*-bst.t2 $(part-3) $*-bst.t3 \
	  | $(transform-bst) \
          | $(AWK) '/^%  \\begin\{macro\}\{\\fileinfo\}/, \
		    /^%    \\end\{macrocode\}\^\^A special comment to help create bst files/ \
			{ next } \
			{ print }' \
	  > $@

# bundle-bib may be undefined.  If bundle-bib is defined, master-bib.bib must
# be defined and the file it names must exist.
ifneq ($(bundle-bib),)
$(bundle-bib.bib): $(master-bib.bib) $(makefiles)
	$(SYMLINK) $(master-bib.bib) $@

# t is for temporary

# We quote curly braces in the awk regexps in case we are using gawk and
# $POSIXLY_CORRECT is set in the environment so that we can't really do
# anything about it.  It is this way when running subshells from Emacs
# sometimes, in my experience.
$(filesets.t1): %.t1: %.dtx
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(AWK) '/^% \\CheckSum\{[0-9]+\}/,/^% \\part\{Implementation\}/' $*.dtx > $@

$(filesets.t2): %.t2: %.dtx
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(SED) -n '/^\\def\\fileinfo{.*}/,/^\\def\\docdate{.*}/p' $*.dtx > $@

$(filesets.t3): %.t3: %.dtx
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(AWK) '/^% \\part\{Implementation\}/,/^% \\Finale/ \
                    {if ($$0 !~ /^% \\part\{Implementation\}/) print}' $*.dtx \
		| $(SED) '/^\\def\\fileinfo{.*}/,/^\\def\\docdate{.*}/d' > $@

# transform-* defs require $* to be the root name
$(packages.tex): %.tex: $(driver)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-sty) $(driver) > $@

$(classes.tex): %.tex: $(driver)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-cls) $(driver) > $@

$(bibstyles.tex): %-bst.tex: $(driver)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-bst) $(driver) > $@

$(packages.ins): %.ins: $(extractor)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-sty) $(extractor) > $@

$(classes.ins): %.ins: $(extractor)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-cls) $(extractor) > $@

$(bibstyles.ins): %-bst.ins: $(extractor)
	@echo "Building $@."
	$(transform-bst) $(extractor) > $@

Frankenfile: $(make-dir)/Frankenfile
	$(SYMLINK) $< $@

## distribution archive: variables, definitions, phony and file targets

# NOTE this is all still within the developer-only conditional.

stable-files =      $(stable-filesets.dvi) \
		    $(stable-filesets.ins) \
		    $(stable-filesets.tex) \
		    $(stable-packages.sty) \
		    $(stable-stos.sto) \
		    $(stable-classes.cls) \
		    $(stable-clos.clo) \
		    $(stable-bibstyles.bst) \
		    $(stable-bibstyles.ver) \
	            $(stable-configs.cfg) \
beta-files =        $(beta-filesets.dvi) \
	            $(beta-filesets.ins) \
	            $(beta-filesets.tex) \
		    $(beta-packages.sty) \
		    $(beta-stos.sto) \
		    $(beta-classes.cls) \
		    $(beta-clos.clo) \
		    $(beta-bibstyles.bst) \
		    $(beta-bibstyles.ver) \
	            $(beta-configs.cfg) \

# where we copy distributed files in order to archive them
stable-archive-dir = $(distribution-dir)/$(stable-dir)
beta-archive-dir   = $(distribution-dir)/$(beta-dir)

stable-archive-files = $(addprefix $(stable-archive-dir)/, $(stable-files))
beta-archive-files   = $(addprefix $(beta-archive-dir)/, $(beta-files))
dist-archive-files   = $(stable-archive-files) $(beta-archive-files)

.PHONY: ctan ctan.clean \
	distrib distrib.clean \

ctan.clean distrib.clean:
	$(RM) -r $(distribution-dir)

all.clean: dev.clean distrib.clean install.clean

# clean before building
ctan distrib: distrib.clean $(stable-archive-dir) \
	      $(beta-archive-dir) $(dist-archive-files)
	$(TAR) -C $(distribution-dir) -c -z \
		-f $(distribution-dir)/$(bundle-filename).tgz \
		$(filter-out $(bundle-filename).tgz, \
			     $(shell $(LS) $(distribution-dir)))

$(stable-archive-dir) $(beta-archive-dir): $(makefiles)
	$(MKDIRP) $@

# target is all stable-archive-files except for the bundle-bib.bib if it exists
$(filter-out $(stable-archive-dir)/$(bundle-bib.bib), \
	$(stable-archive-files)): $(stable-archive-dir)/%: \
		% $(stable-archive-dir)
		@$(install-plain) $< $(stable-archive-dir)

# rule for the bundle-bib.bib if it exists.
ifneq ($(bundle-bib),)
$(dist-filesets.aux): %.aux: %.dvi

# bibtool -v verbose; -q suppress warnings (huge number of them); 
#         -d don't include double entries
#         -s sort (needed to identify double entries)
# We want to keep the modification time the same as the master-bib so that the
# end user's Make process won't think it needs to remake all the dvi files.
# FIX: bibtool is having a problem getting the right crossreffed entries in
# when dealing with the master-bib.  It did OK on a very short test bib I made.
# So we do a very patchy workaround:
#   - first make the target normally; it will lack crossreffed entries.
#   - combine the relevant .aux files into frankentemp.aux and change the
#     \bibdata command to use the bundle-bib.dist database.
#   - frankentemp.aux is nonempty or we wouldn't be doing this rule.
#   - we process frankentemp.aux with bibtex and look at the output.
#   - extract lines that say we've got a missing crossref.
#   - remove the difficult apostrophe's from those lines, and save in
#     frankentemp.1. 
#   - frankentemp.1 will be empty if we have no missing crossrefs.  if it's
#     empty, we're OK, so stop.
#   - take the error lines about missing crossrefs and extract just the key.
#   - frob each key K into the string "-X \'^K$\'" (without the enclosing
#     double quotes).
#   - combine all lines into one line.  now we have a series of one or more
#     strings just described all concatenated on one line.  save this into
#     frankentemp.2.  While combining them, the backslashes before the single
#     quotes got used up.
#   - feed this fabricated string to bibtool.  bibtool will extract each key's
#     entry from bundle-bib.bib along with relevant string definitions, and put
#     it on stdout.
#   - append the output to bundle-bib.dist, making it complete.
#   - clean up temp files.

# FIX: we've got potential problems if any keys have regexp chars in them.

.PHONY: bundle-bib.clean
	$(RM) $(bundle-bib.bib) $(bundle-bib.bib).dist

$(bundle-bib.bib).dist: $(bundle-bib.bib) $(dist-filesets-cits.aux)
	$(BIBTOOL) -q -d -s $(addprefix -x , $(dist-filesets-cits.aux)) -o $@
	$(CAT) $(dist-filesets-cits.aux) \
	  | $(SED) 's/^\\bibdata{$(bundle-bib)}/\\bibdata{$(bundle-bib)\.bib\.dist}/' \
	  > $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.aux
	$(BIBTEX) $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp \
	  | $(GREP) '^refers to entry ".*", which doesn'\''t exist$$' \
	  | $(SED) -e s/\'//g \
	  > $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.1; \
	if [ -s $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.1 ]; then \
	  $(CAT) $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.1 \
	    | $(XARGS) -i $(EXPR) {} : 'refers to entry \(.*\), which doesn' \
	    | $(XARGS) -i echo -X \\\'^'{}'\$$\\\' \
	    | $(XARGS) \
	    > $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.2; \
	  eval $$(echo $(BIBTOOL) -q $$($(CAT) $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.2) \
		  $<) \
	    >> $@; \
	fi; \
	$(RM) $(TMPDIR)/frankentemp.{aux,1,2,bbl,blg}
	$(TOUCH) -r $(master-bib.bib) $@

$(stable-archive-dir)/$(bundle-bib.bib): $(bundle-bib.bib).dist \
	@$(install-plain) $< $(stable-archive-dir)/$(bundle-bib.bib)

$(beta-archive-files): $(beta-archive-dir)/%: % $(beta-archive-dir)
	@$(install-plain) $< $(beta-archive-dir)

endif # developer-only

## Emacs file variables
# Local Variables:
# mode: makefile
# eval: (outline-minor-mode 1)
# outline-regexp: "##+"
# End: