% \iffalse meta-comment -*- mode: doctex -*-
% French language definition file of the master bibliography style for
% The Canadian Journal of Statistics | La revue canadienne de
% statistique
% Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Statistical Society of Canada | Société
% canadienne de statistique
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
% of this license is in:
%   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
% <vincent.goulet@act.ulaval.ca>.
% This work derives from french.mbs, part of the custom-bib
% collection, a contribution to the LaTeX2e system.
% Copyright 1994-2002 Patrick W Daly
% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Sonnensystemforschung
% Max-Planck-Str. 2
% D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
% Germany
% E-mail: daly@mps.mpg.de
 % Begin module:
 % \ProvidesFile{cjs-rcs-french.mbs}[2024/07/30 v1.1a (VG, PWD)]
% The following ensures that the driver part is not seen by makebst
% The driver part must not contain any \end other than \end{document} !

  %% Loading doc.sty creates some conflicts with the class and memoir. We
  %% need to:
  %% - keep a copy of the class' \maketitle command;
  %% - undefine the 'glossary' environment created by memoir;
  %% - restore the standard LaTeX commands for the glossary that
  %%   doc.sty relies upon.
  \let\makeCJStitle\maketitle   % keep class definition
  \let\theglossary\relax        % avoid conflict with doc.sty
  \let\endtheglossary\relax     % avoid conflict with doc.sty
      {Writing glossary file \jobname.glo }%
  \@twosidefalse\@mparswitchfalse % turn off twoside option
  \def\changes#1#2#3{\glossary{#1>#3}} % simplified

      pdfauthor = {Statistical Society of Canada},
      pdftitle = {French language definition file cjs-rcs-french.mbs}}}

  %% Configuration of the glossary
    \def\glossaryname{History of changes}}

  %% Additional semantic typesetting

  %% Name of the journal
  \newcommand*\TheCJS{\@ifstar{\emph{The Journal}}{\emph{\CJS@journalname@en}}}
  \newcommand*\LaRevue{\@ifstar{\emph{La revue}}{\emph{\CJS@journalname@fr}}}

  %% Redefine \year using information from \filedate instead of using
  %% compilation time


% end of meta-comment \fi
% \GetFileInfo{cjs-rcs-french.mbs}
% \expandafter\parsedate\filedate\relax
% \changes{0.9}{2023-10-14}{Initial version based on version 4.2 of
% \texttt{french.mbs} from \textbf{custom-bib}.}
% \changes{0.93}{2023-11-06}{Add a prefix v in the version number like
% the main file.}
% \changes{1.0}{2023-11-29}{First official release distributed through
% CTAN.}
% \title[French language definition file \filename]{%
%   French language definition file \\
%   of the master bibliographic style file \\
%   for \TheCJS}
% \author{Statistical Society of Canada}
% \affil{Developed by Vincent Goulet, Université Laval}
% \begin{englishabstract}
%   The list of references in {\TheCJS} is typeset using the
%   bibliographic styles {\CJSbsten} for articles in English and
%   {\CJSbstfr} for articles in French. These styles are created using
%   the program \texttt{makebst} from the master bibliographic file
%   \texttt{cjs-rcs-merlin.mbs}, and the language definition files
%   \texttt{cjs-rcs-english.mbs} and \texttt{cjs-rcs-french.mbs}.
% \end{englishabstract}
% \begin{frenchabstract}
%   La liste des références dans {\LaRevue} est composée avec les
%   style de bibliographie {\CJSbstfr} pour les articles en français
%   et {\CJSbsten} pour les articles en anglais. Ceux-ci sont générés
%   par le programme \texttt{makebst} à partir du fichier maitre
%   \texttt{cjs-rcs-merlin.mbs} et des fichiers de localisation
%   \texttt{cjs-rcs-english.mbs} et \texttt{cjs-rcs-french.mbs}.
% \end{frenchabstract}
% ^^A abusing the 'classification' environment. The final period is
% ^^A added by the environment.
% \begin{classification}[Version]
% \item[] This is the documentation for the file \code{\filename}
%   {\fileversion}, dated {\filedate}
% \end{classification}
% \licence{{\year}, Statistical Society of Canada~{\textbar}~Société
% canadienne de statistique}
% \makeCJStitle
% \section{Introduction}
% This file is to be used as a language definition file with the
% master bibliographic file for {\TheCJS}. The language it defines is
% French.
% This is not a self-sufficient \texttt{.mbs} file, but rather may
% be used together with one that contains language support via
% external definition files.
% See the documentation for \texttt{makebst} for formatting details.
% \section{The Menu Information}
% All the menu information is nested between \dtx{} guard options
% |%<*options>| \dots\ |%</options>|, and the last command is
% |\endoptions|. The rest of the file is nested between |%<*!options&!driver>|
% \dots\ |%</!options&!driver>| in order to exclude it if \dtx{} is used to
% extract only the menu information or the documentation driver.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\mes{^^JOptions for FRENCH}
\wr{\spsp\spsp french,\pc: French language}

\beginoptiongroup{ABBREVIATE WORD `PAGES':}{}
\optdef{*}{}{`Page(s)'}{(no abbreviation)}
\optdef{a}{pp}{`Page' abbreviated}{as p. or pp.}
\optdef{x}{ppx}{`Page' omitted}{}
\beginoptiongroup{ABBREVIATE WORD `EDITEUR:}{}
\optdef{*}{}{`\string\'Editeur(s)'}{(no abbreviation)}
\optdef{a}{ed}{`\string\'Editeur' abbreviated}{as \string\'Ed.}
\beginoptiongroup{OTHER ABBREVIATIONS:}{}
\optdef{*}{}{No abbreviations}{of Tome, \string\'edition, chapitre}
\optdef{a}{abr}{Abbreviations}{of such words}
\beginoptiongroup{EDITION NUMBERS:}{}
\optdef{*}{xedn}{Editions as in database}{saving much processing memory}
\optdef{w}{}{Write out editions}{as premi\string\`ere, deuxi\string\`eme,...}
\optdef{n}{ord}{Numerical editions}{as 1re, 2e, 3e, etc}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \StopEventually{\PrintChanges}
% \section{The Coding}
%    \begin{macrocode}

 % The language selected here is FRENCH
FUNCTION {bbl.and}
{ "et"}

FUNCTION {bbl.etal}
{ "et~collab." }

FUNCTION {bbl.editors}
%<!ed>{ "directeurs" }
%<ed>{ "dir." }

FUNCTION {bbl.editor}
%<!ed>{ "directeur" }
%<ed>{ "dir." }

FUNCTION {bbl.edby}
{ "sous la direction de" }

FUNCTION {bbl.edition}
%<!abr>{ "\'edition" }
%<abr>{ "\'ed." }

FUNCTION {bbl.volume}
%<!abr>{ "volume" }
%<abr>{ "vol." }

FUNCTION {bbl.of}
{ "de" }

FUNCTION {bbl.number}
%<!abr>{ "num\'ero" }
%<abr>{ "{\no}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.nr}
{ "{\no}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.in}
{ "dans" }

FUNCTION {bbl.pages}
%<!pp&!ppx>{ "pages" }
%<pp>{ "p." }
%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }

FUNCTION {bbl.page}
%<!pp&!ppx>{ "page" }
%<pp>{ "p." }
%<!pp&ppx>{ "" }

FUNCTION {bbl.eidpp}
{ "pages" }

FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}
%<!abr>{ "chapitre" }
%<abr>{ "chap." }

FUNCTION {bbl.techrep}
%<!abr>{ "rapport technique" }
%<abr>{ "rapport technique" }

FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}
{ "m\'emoire de ma\^itrise" }

FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}
{ "th\`ese de doctorat" }

FUNCTION {bbl.first}
%<!ord>{ "Premi\`ere" }
%<ord>{ "1{\iere}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.second}
%<!ord>{ "Deuxi\`eme" }
%<ord>{ "2{\ieme}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.third}
%<!ord>{ "Troisi\`eme" }
%<ord>{ "3{\ieme}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.fourth}
%<!ord>{ "Quatri\`eme" }
%<ord>{ "4{\ieme}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.fifth}
%<!ord>{ "Cinqui\`eme" }
%<ord>{ "5{\ieme}" }

FUNCTION {bbl.th}
{ "{\ieme}" }

MACRO {jan} {"janvier"}

MACRO {feb} {"f\'evrier"}

MACRO {mar} {"mars"}

MACRO {apr} {"avril"}

MACRO {may} {"mai"}

MACRO {jun} {"juin"}

MACRO {jul} {"juillet"}

MACRO {aug} {"ao\^ut"}

MACRO {sep} {"septembre"}

MACRO {oct} {"octobre"}

MACRO {nov} {"novembre"}

MACRO {dec} {"d\'ecembre"}

MACRO {jan} {"jan."}

MACRO {feb} {"f\'ev."}

MACRO {mar} {"mars"}

MACRO {apr} {"avr."}

MACRO {may} {"mai"}

MACRO {jun} {"juin"}

MACRO {jul} {"juil."}

MACRO {aug} {"ao\^ut"}

MACRO {sep} {"sept."}

MACRO {oct} {"oct."}

MACRO {nov} {"nov."}

MACRO {dec} {"d\'ec."}

 % End module: cjs-rcs-french.mbs
%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale